Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tropism Webquest

Use the following websites to answer the questions on tropisms. You may answer on a separate sheet of paper or type your responses in a word document and save to a flashdrive. Only up to 3 people can work together on the same paper.

Using the following website answer the question number 1.
1. What is the definition of tropism?

Answer questions 2- 7.
2. What is a negative tropism?
3.What is a positive tropism?
4. Which part of the plant is affected in positive way by light (phototropism)?
5. Which part of the plant is affected in negative way by light (phototropism)?
6. Which part of the plant is affected in a positive way by gravity (geotropism)?
7. Which part of the plant is affected in a negative way by gravity (geotropism)?

Use the following website to answer question number 8.
8. What are the different types of tropism?
Chemotropism –

Use the following website to answer questions 9- 10.
9. Watch the clip COOL CORN PHOTOTROPISM. Write down your observation. (What you see happening in the clip?)
10. Watch the clip COOL ROOT GRAVITROPISM. Write down your observation. (What you see happening in the clip?)

Just watch the following clips.
11. Click on the Germination link on this page and watch the CORN seed grow.
12. Click on Nastic Movements and watch the twining MORNING GLORY TWINING, to see thigmotropism in action.